About Us
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AbsoluteXtracts is a homegrown Northern California company committed to providing Californians with pure and potent cannabis concentrates.
A beloved NorCal original brand that’s led the way with strain-specific 100% cannabis vape cartridges, ABX is rooted in the California cannabis movement
Established by master cultivators and extraction industry pioneers in 2014, ABX continues to lead in creating a wide range of reliable cannabis products that enhance every day. Our full-spectrum vape cartridges, soft gels, edibles, concentrates and oral drops utilize cutting-edge innovations in extraction technology to deliver the most optimal cannabis oils for each product.
Rest assured that the team behind ABX loves cannabis just as much as you do! We call Northern California our home, and we care about preserving the culture of the cannabis movement while continually striving to create the best products on the market today. We hope you’ll join us and use ABX to enhance your everyday adventures.